Forest fires behavior and ecological effects

The horizontal gradients of buoyancy produce vortices, or fire whirls, of tornado strength. The most obvious environmental impact of a forest fire is the immediate loss of life and vegetation in the area. It has also modelled fire behaviour and fuel dynamics in many forest types, and documented the ecological effects of forest fires. Despite that, it cannot be disclaimed that the climate factors have an important effect on forest fires worldwide pinol et al. Effects of wildfires loss of ecosystems and biodiversity wildfires destroy the habitats and the intricate relationships of diverse flora and fauna leading to loss of ecosystems and biodiversity. Even before the myth of prometheus, fire played a crucial ecological role around the world. Wildfires simply damage the habitable and adaptable land for specific animal and plant species. Various causes and effects of wildfires earth eclipse. A good proportion of papers in fire ecology give only cursory descriptions of the fire and seem always to lack any physical understanding of how fires affect individuals and populations. Numerous plant communities depend on fire to generate species diversity in both time and space. Forest fires focuses on the chemistry and physics of fire to educate how fire behaves and the impacts it has on ecosystem function. For these reasons, foresters, ecologists, land managers, geographers, and environmental scientists are interested in the behavior and ecological effects of fires. Fire laboratories in these countries examine the physical and.